KITTEN Supply Drive
Date(s) - 04/21/2024 - 08/31/2024
All Day
Your help is needed to help us stock up on kitten supplies during our 2024 KITTEN SUPPLY DRIVE. Shopping for supplies is easy with our Walmart Kitten Supply Registry and Amazon Kitten Wishlist where you can order online and ship directly to Anthem Pets. If you purchase items locally the Anthem Community Center at 41130 N. Freedom Way acts as a Drop Off Center for our supplies. We always need wet and dry kitten food and clumping kitty litter, but if you click on the Amazon or Walmart links you can see the full list of needed items and use that to shop locally. You can also see a partial list below.
In 2023 we rescued 204 kittens and already from March 1 – April 15 we’ve saved 55 kittens, plus pregnant momma cats who will soon give birth. Every kitten season is a super busy and expensive time, and your help during this drive will ensure that we have supplies on hand for the little ones.
KITTEN FOSTERS are urgently needed. Click here to read about fostering and Saving the Kittens! Thank you for helping the little ones!
Mon–Thurs: 5 am–10 pm
Friday: 5 am–8 pm
Saturday: 7 am–8 pm
Sunday: 10 am–7 pm