Legacy Gifts
Your generosity and thoughtfulness can leave a legacy of compassion for animals in need. Your gift to Anthem Pets, through your will, trust, or another financial plan, will help ensure that abused, lost and abandoned pets are given veterinary care and a second chance in a loving home.
Planned, charitable gifts of any size can make a significant difference and ensures that your legacy will support animals in the future. You can add Anthem Pets to your will or estate as a beneficiary, or designate investment accounts, bank accounts, life insurance policies, and other types of assets to Anthem Pets.
Anthem Pets Animal Rescue is a charitable organization and exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Below is information you will need when planning your gift:
- Legal Name: Anthem Pets Inc.
- Tax ID: 20-4988647
- Mailing Address: 39506 N. Daisy Mountain Drive, Suite 122-125, Anthem, AZ, 85086
- Phone: 480-287-3542
- Email: Rescue@AnthemPets.org
- Website: www.AnthemPets.org

This Legacy Gift form is non-binding and only serves to notify Anthem Pets of your intention to make a Gift to benefit the animals. This also gives us the opportunity to thank you for your generosity. If in the future your circumstances change and your gift to the rescue is no longer possible, you can change your mind at any time. You are encouraged to seek the advice of a professional advisor before making your contribution.