Lost & Found Pets

Lost Pets
We are so sorry if your pet has gotten loose. In addition to filling out our Lost Pet Form, please check out the links to other resources below.
If you have LOST your pet, please fill out the Lost Pet Form and upload a recent photo(s). Click on one of the following links for helpful tips on what you can do to help locate your loved one.
Other Resources
We hope you are soon reunited with your cat or dog. If a lost or found pet is returned, please write us at Rescue@AnthemPets.org so we can remove it from the list. We wish you the best!
Maricopa County Animal Care & Control Map
Maricopa County Animal Control Website
Craigslist.org Lost & Found Pet Listing
Found Pets
If you have FOUND a cat or dog, please fill out the Found Pet Form and upload a photo(s). Once we have received the form we’ll post the animal on our Facebook page.
Take a look at the Found Pet Checklist for more information on what to do to help locate the owners.